Tuesday, September 2, 2014

August 31, 2014

Debra and Frank Lincavage
Last day of August - where did it go?  Time continues to march on so quickly!  We ended last week with a lovely dinner at the home of one of the members of our ward.  She joined the church many years ago and her husband supports her in all she does.  Even when she invites missionaries over for dinner.  He can't be all bad - he loves to play softball!  We love them and enjoy their friendship!

Elder Trotter
and Elder Myler

 Elder Myler, one of the assistants to the president got ahold of my iPad and went a little crazy taking pictures.  We love these boys and are amazed at all they do.  It feels a little bit like home with all of these boys around doing crazy things.

I guess the biggest event of the week had to be the end of the Trotter's mission.  That means that Roger and I are definitely on our own now.  There isn't any one else in the mission now to do what we do.  It feels a bit heavy to be completely on our own but we aren't exactly all on our own.  We know that we will be support by the Lord and he will help us not mess up too bad!
Farewell gathering for the Trotters

On Tuesday - Pday for the missionaries - we had a gathering for them.  We had some yummy food and many of the missionaries came by to say good bye to them.  I think that the Trotters loved it.  They worked hard and made such great relationships with so many of the missionaries.  They were truly loved and will be missed.  No one will miss them as much as we will I am afraid.

We were able to usher again at Balboa Park.  It was a great little play about growing old and how silly we all are when we do.  It is sad but I really identified with many of the jokes.  We were there with Vera and Charles and our Russian friend Irina.  It made for a long day but great!
What a lovely setting for a meeting.  

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Wednesday was a busy day too.  We had our Ward Scripture class that night but I had the San Diego Professional Tour Guide Association meeting.  So we had to divide and conquer.  I went to the meeting with Vera, Charles and Irina and had a lovely evening.  I really enjoy the tour guide meetings and the good people there.  They really appreciate that I am willing to jump in and serve there.  I think that they don't quite understand why anyone would do what I am doing and I am able to explain that that is what missionaries do - they serve.  We are having our next meeting at the Family History Center.  One of the presidency thought it would be great fun to go there.  We will have a half hour meeting and then go on a tour of the center.  I am going to try to do some research on her family line and have them show it to the group.  Cross your fingers that it isn't a bust.  

The beautiful San Diego skyline with the
setting sun shinning off the windows!
Roger and Elder M
Thursday we went to dinner with Charles and Vera.  We took Vera last week to dinner for her birthday and they told us then that every last Thursday of the month they have a party for all the people who have a birthday in that month and the birthday person gets a free prime rib dinner.  So they invited us back to that place for her free dinner.  We had a great meal and then invited them over to our place for ice cream.  As they sat there they saw our "Gospel Principles" book and asked what kind of book that was.  I told her that it was a lesson manual to teach basic gospel principles to new members.  She really was interested and I told her take it home and read it.  She did!  I talked to her the next day and she said that she had read a little in it and had several questions.  I am excited to talk to her and see what she thinks.  We love the gospel and we love Vera and Charles and would love to share what we know!

Bart at his grandson's birthday party!
We love you Bart!
Grandma Cheri with birthday boy
Friday was our first full day without the Trotters there to answer questions.  We have their phone numbers where we can easily get to them so we should survive!  I made a cake for a birthday party for the next day while Roger finished watching the BYU football game.  Saturday we cleaned the church and went to a birthday party for the grandson of some of our good friends in the ward.  

Sunday was interesting.  The whole stake presidency was there on the stand when Sacrament meeting started!  That always means something big, you know.  They have taken three wards and made them in to two.  The First Ward started small when they made it several years ago and they thought it would grow.  But it is in an area that is quite expensive and it has actually gotten smaller.  So they took it and split it in half.  Our ward, the Tenth Ward got half and the Second Ward got the other half.  But they are actually making our ward the First Ward - I guess because the name is better and there will no longer be a Tenth Ward in our stake.  That means that all of our ward callings are done for.  The First Ward's bishop in now in the Second Ward boundaries so he will be released too and the Second Ward's bishop just moved!  We also have three different missionary companionship for two wards plus us.  So we wait and see what new assignments are in store for us all.  Change, change, change!

We love you all and feel the hand of the Lord in our lives as we serve here.  Over and over again, miracles are evident.  We pray for miracles for you at home too and realize that many are struggling with hard things.  Know that we are ever mindful of you all.  We miss you more than you know.  It really is a sacrifice to be here.  But the Lord helps us know that we are doing His will often and we are grateful for that.  Life is good here in San Diego.  
Elder Garner with Elder Soffe and of course
Elder Myler!

Our last picture of the office staff before the Trotters
take off.

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