Sunday, May 11, 2014

May 11, 2014 Happy Mother's Day!

Well it has been an interesting week to say the least. I have seen miracles over and over again and feel so blessed to be at this end of the week! Alan is in St. George in the Therapia Rehab Facility. It has been a struggle of worry and problems to get him there. Cory and Adam have bent over backwards to help Alan but in the end we all have realized that we can't really help. Alan needs what he is now getting. I am proud of Alan for being willing to go even though it is hard. That takes guts. Please join with me in praying for Alan. I am going to pray that his heart will be open to what he is learning and that he can find peace. He has been living in torment for such a long time. It feels good to know that he is in a place that he will be safe. The church is helping me pay for the rehab and I am so grateful to the bishop, our stake president for their work to find the right place. I was thinking that I would have to fly home to take care of the details but they came together and got it done for us. I am also grateful for all those who contribute to fast offering funds for this opportunity. The church has a miraculous program to help. I was feeling bad that I was having to rely on church funds to get Alan this help and I prayed a lot to find peace and know that it was OK to take the help. I was impressed with the feeling that I have helped others through my years of paying into the church and now it is time for me to allow others to help me. I also felt that I can "pay it forward" as I go on in my life and help others more. We are so blessed to have the inspiration of a Prophet to set up programs like this to bless each other. I feel so relieved and blessed.
We had the opportunity to have M. Russell Ballard here in San Diego and have a special missionary meeting with him on Monday. The YSA fireside he spoke at on Sunday was broadcast from here and then he had a special meeting the next morning with all of the missionaries from our mission. His daughter is our mission president's wife so we get special privileges  It always is amazing to be in a large group of missionaries! There is such a wonderful, strong feeling of strength and courage in a group like that. To sing as a missionary group, "Called to Serve" is a spiritual experience every time for me. What an honor! Elder Ballard told us that one of the most important things he has learned in his 85 years living and 40 years as a church apostle, is that it is important to set aside your personal worries and choose to serve the Lord. He told us to make a resolve today to turn over the rest of our time to God and His Son - completely! He promised us as we do that that our thinking processes will change and we will get acquainted with the Spirit. We will do things that we wouldn't normally do. He told us when we get impressions that are good - do them! Without waiting, without questioning - just do them. The most significant thing about the church is that we have the Holy Ghost. It was wonderful and after we were able to see our Mormon Battalion daughters there. We love them and miss being with them so much.
We then went on to lunch with many of the Senior Couples. Rubios has become one of our favorites!  That night was our Senior Couples FHE that we do monthly. Usually we have a speaker and then refreshments. It is pretty high brow and formal. This time was more casual and we were able to just enjoy each other and get to know everyone better. It was great fun!
We love our fellow missionaries.  These two couples go home soon. :(
Elder Goeringer teaching at
the Visitor's Center
Tuesday is Visitor's Center day for us. It was colder than usual and not a lot of fun to stand outside this week. OK - it was 64 degrees so I shouldn't complain but we are used to perfection around here! The breezes at the temple grounds are always a bit cool. It was slow at first and then picked up and we were able to talk to lots of people from so many walks of life. So interesting. It is a bit different at the temple grounds than at the Mormon Battalion. We are told at the MB to not proselyte unless asked directly since we are an Historic Site and not a Visitor's Center. We don't want to have people afraid that we will push the gospel on them there. But at the Visitor's Center people are coming to find out about the church and are more open to hearing about the gospel. That night we went on spits with our trio of sisters. The actually split in three ways and we were able to help teach a new member about the temple and family history. We then went over to a member's home in the next ward over from ours and participated in their scripture study class. We wanted to see if there is something they do that we might do to make our class better. The main thing they do at theirs that I think we should try to do is have some warm bread coming out of the oven just as the meeting ends! Yummmmmm!
We spent most of the day Wednesday at the office. We are starting to get the hang of the things that they are having us do and we can just go in and get to work. I spent lots of that day and the next shuffling between doing work for the office and making phone calls about Alan and to Alan.
Thursday was more office work and then to one of the best cooks in the mission's home for dinner with the elders. Home made potato salad, baked beans, teriyaki shish kabobs - you get the point. It is so nice to sit and eat a wonderful meal like that! We just don't take time to do that very often so most of our meals are on the run. We love being in their home and feeling their love. It was just what my aching heart needed that day. That night was a service project where we are making blankets, booties, baby hats etc. for a group called "Gently hugged". Lots of women showed up and we put together over 176 blankets among the other things. I was able to have some good talks with several of the sisters and help them with challenges while we worked. Good evening! Lots of phone calls this day organizing Alan's rehab.
Friday was supposed to be a bit of a make up P day from not getting one on Monday. We went to lunch at the LaJolla Institute with our Senior Couple friends there. They were in the MTC with us last August and are leaving soon. They were going to stay until August but decided they might as well leave soon because school will be out and not much goes on in the summer. Because they are leaving there are a few things that we are going to be able to do there this summer. We will be locking up and opening up the place off and on and be able to teach a few classes. There is a class that they do at Mesa College on Wednesdays that the director has asked if we could teach that too. Mesa College is right across the street from the office so we will just go in the office earlier that day and teach the class before working in the office. On Fridays they have a wonderful lunch at the Institute. For $3 the students come and get fed like kings and queens. This Friday they had one of the students who is a returned missionary from Chile come and bring slides of her mission and explain what it was like to be a missionary there. The secretary of the Institute researched with the student for recipes of Chilean food and they served a typical Chilean meal. We might have to make it there more often! get to know the students of course.
Saturday I took off to inspect sister's apartments and was supposed to make it to the church to help clean it but with last minute details and a last phone call with Alan before him going into the rehab center I didn't make it to the church. It was bitter sweet to talk to Alan for the last time for awhile and to feel his apprehension and fear. Oh I hope this helps. After hanging up from talking with Alan I was shaking and sad. I then went to one of the sister's apartments and they could see that I was troubled. As I got a hug from those sweet sisters I felt a peace "pour" into my body from the top of my head and flow to toes! It was at though I was being bathed with peace. My soul was quieted and I relaxed for the first time in a long time concerning Alan. The sister missionaries carry a strength with them that is so sweet and strong. I will always remember that moment. I went on to a baby shower for a sister in the ward. I crocheted a small little blanket for her and was asked to teach several to crochet. That could be fun. We are going to start that next week. We had dinner with friends and actually was able to play cards with them that night. It was hard to know that Mike was graduating from dental school yesterday and I wasn't there! Way to go Mike! It was fun seeing pictures as it was happening thanks to Kenny. I held it together and didn't cry until I saw the video of Mike and Kenny walking the stage together and then Kenny being able to put the (can't remember the name of it) thingy on Mike! So sweet and I am glad I got to see it even if it was on video. I am so glad that Kenny and Cameron were able to support Mike and be there. Thanks Megan. They say that sacrifice brings forth the blessings of heaven......
I got your packages Cameron, Kami and Aimee's family! yeah!! I love my skirt - got it on today and really enjoy having good lotion again. Haven't taken the time to buy any for a long time. We loved the letters from Aimee's gang! They are classics and are on our wall beautifying our apartment --- and making me happy. Thanks so much. Today has been quiet and I have taken the time to reflect on the mother's in my life. My mom was wonderful, happy, sweet and smiling. She was taken too quickly for me to know her that well but I have felt her with me so many times since then that I feel we have a wonderful relationship that I can't wait to enjoy. Judy was brought into our life by my very smart father choosing the best! I love you Judy and feel blessed to have you. You are the example that I am following so often and I can't say enough good about you. Thank you. You are perfect!
Being a mom is a scary thing. It takes guts. Elder Ballard said that being a parent "is not for sissies!" Boy is that ever true. As I look back on my time as a mom I smile with memories of joy and I cry with memories of great sorrow. I have made lots of mistakes and will continue to make more I am sure. But know - my family and my extended family that I love you all! You are my joy and my life. You are my blessing. I love you with all my heart. Mostly I feel so blessed to be associated with such wonderful people!

1 comment:

  1. Prayers and blessings to Alan for peace and comfort...and you also on his behalf. Happy you are so busy to fill up your days. Being a mom is hard stuff sometimes.
